Do your kids run for cover when the “school books” come out? If so, please stop to consider why you are homeschooling. If “develop a love for learning” is on your list of why’s, you may want to take a second look at your “curriculum.” In many cases, a game or activity can accomplish the same scholastic goals with a minimum of stress and with the added benefit of promoting a love of learning rather than an aversion to “school.” We encourage you to take a few minutes and explore our website for some great ideas in combining family fun, games and learning into one awesome approach to education. The big plus is that we have incorporated “learning styles” into the assessment of all games listed. Keep on coming back since this website will continuously be updated with new important information.
To determine your learning style and your child's....
Choose the grade by clicking on the grade box below:
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level
Grade Level

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Monrovia California
please drop by our
Excellence In Education
Resource Center!
2640-A7 S. Myrtle Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016
(626) 821-0025